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Who AM I?



graphic designer

These are the three main words which I like to say when someone asks me what I am do for a living.

Am I photographer/filmmaker 

for everyone?

To be honest I don't think that I am a perfect choice for everyone. I love my style and I want to create content which is corresponding with my own style of visual arts. I believe every content creator should have his own way how to create his own vision of art. 


If you love the style of my art then I am the perfect content creator for YOU!

What makes me and my work "special" ?

My digital art is reflecting my way of thinking. I love being creative and I love to show that in my work. I don't like stereotypes, I prefer to create original images. I love to use storytelling skill to add more realistic feelings into the digital content. I believe that every photo session is different and every photo session needs an individual approach. 

How I became full-time photographer?

In 2019 I quit my stable job in IT company and started to follow my dreams. I decided to become a full-time photographer and convince everybody that making your dreams come true is worth it!


There were a lot of challenges and discussions if I should follow this path. I was constantly questioning myself:


Am I able to survive without stable income? Where will I get clients?

Can I do my living as a photographer these days? Am I going to throw away my current life and start a new life as a freelancer?


Am I crazy?


In the end, I realised, that we have only one life. I woke up every day, and asked myself: If this would be my last day... am I happy with my life? My achievements? The answer was always NO. One day I just said, Martyna .. stop this boring life and do something for yourself .. and I quit my job.


Right now I am living my dream, and I am happy that I made this decision, even though I was scared. As a freelancer, I have a lot of new possibilities and challenges, but as a creative person - I love it. Every day is different; every day is special.


Please remember, that you are the ruler of your life and only you can change it! 


Believe in yourself and change your world!

What customers think about me?

Monika Tauberová

Výborná fotografka se spoustou skvělých nápadů. Nejen že je to profesionálka, ale taky moc fajn a sympatický člověk, který se pokusí vytvořit ty nejkouzelnější fotografie a vyhovět každému Vašemu přání. Moc doporučuji! 

Renata Macelová

Martynku, určitě doporučuji, je to super👌🏻👍🏻👌🏻a naprosto profesionální fotografka📷.Fotografování s ní byla pohoda a moc jsem si ho s dcerou užila.😉

Michaela Drexler

Chtěla bych poděkovat za krásné fotky a velice milou a trpělivou fotografku, která si zvládne poradit i s nespolupracujícím dítětem a vykouzlí krásné fotky za zlomek vteřiny "utíkajícího dítěte"

Dominika Synková

Dnes jsem měla možnost fotit s touto slečnou a jsem velice spokojená! Focení bylo příjemné, slečna je moc šikovná a dokáže bytvořit naprosto bezprostřední atmosféru při focení, že hodina uběhne jako 20 minut :).

My Clients:

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